How many basketball player each team?

2007-02-11 11:28 pm
How many basketball player each team?

回答 (4)

2007-02-11 11:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Five players from each team may be on the court at one time. Teams can have up to seven substitutes. Substitutions are unlimited but can only be done when play is stopped. Teams also have a coach, who oversees the development and strategies of the team, and other team personnel such as assistant coaches, managers, statisticians, doctors and trainers.
參考: wiki
2007-02-13 9:11 am
每隊可以有 12 個 active player
多個 12 ,要擺多出黎既人入 reserve 或者去 D-League

每場比賽唔可以少過 7 個 player<------呢樣 100% sure
少個 7 個人,當棄權

2007-02-13 01:31:17 補充:
岩岩 check 過 nba rule book無錯 12 係每隊最多人數 不過最少人數係 8 個,唔係 7 唔好意思 呢個係 nba offical link to the rule book 關於每隊 roster 既限制:
2007-02-12 6:55 am

我係校內一個專業學生籃球助教,我算係有料,聽我講有 90% 係冇錯。我做助教幾年啦,小學至中學都係我做,總共做左4年。

希望幫到你啦!有咩籃球問題我願意答你。可以 add msn

[email protected](暫時不接受女仔add我。大過14歲、細過8歲都不接受。)

參考: 經驗
2007-02-11 11:34 pm
five to eleven people in each team

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