唔該幫我翻譯呀 譯做中文呀唔該 急呀!!!!!!!!!20點

2007-02-11 10:59 pm
The Centre for Media and Communication Research coordinates the School's research activities and organizes seminars and conferences.

回答 (2)

2007-02-12 11:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
媒體及傳訊研究中心 (負責) 協調學校之研究活動及 組織 講座及會議。

( ) 內之負責 可用可不用

seminars 亦可作研討會
2007-02-11 11:01 pm
The Centre for Media and Communication Research coordinates the School's research activities and organizes seminars and conferences. Dr.eye: 媒介和通訊研究的中心協調學校的研究活動並且組織討論會和會議。
參考: Dr.eye

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