copper 問題?

2007-02-11 7:45 pm
點解 copper會有copper(I),, copper(II) and copper(III)??
仲有咩叫d-sub shell??

thz a lot>v

回答 (2)

2007-02-11 11:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
有copper(I),(II),(III)係因為佢一個d-block metal,佢o個個energy difference between the d-sub shll細,所以d電子可以容易咁接收。不過,要強調o既一點係冇copper (II) relative stable過copper(II)的。因為copper o既電子排佈係 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d10 4s1。remove 左一粒之後,佢變左half-filled,好似stable左。但係energtic o既角度咁睇o既時候,copper(II)係stable過copper(I)所以佢就form copper(II)多過copper(I)喇…
2007-02-11 9:12 pm
Because copper is the transition metal which has the 3-d orbital. The 3-d orbital can contain more electrons than expected.(ie. for n=1, it can contains 2 electrons, n=2 it can contains 8 electrons) therefore using copper(I) (II) or (III) depends on the compound that copper formed....
參考: me

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