
2007-02-11 4:52 am
歐洲聖誕節後的大減價已過, 我想百貨公司在春天時定有新一輪的減價期, 希望各位能解答我以下問題.

1) 我知道倫敦在boxing day後有大減價, 我亦曾經到一些名店和百貨公司 (如Harrods) 逛過, 發現減價之貨品大多是質素較差的貨品, 那些高質素的則不在櫥窗. 此外, 有些名店 (如位於Bond Street的那些) 在聖誕期間也沒有減價. 我想現在天氣漸暖, 沒有公司想囤積大量冬天貨吧! 請問在換季和復活節期間, 倫敦的百貨公司會否再有大減價呢? 如有的話, 會在何時? 減價的幅度又是多少? 遲一點會否有summer sale呢? 那些售賣名牌的專門店在換季時又會在何時減價呢?

2) 巴黎也是歐洲其中一個購物之都. 我又想請問百貨公司和名牌專門店又會否在換季和復活節期間減價, 還是它們會在summer (如五, 六月) 期間減價呢? 減價的幅度又是多少? 此外, 在巴黎LV總店買LV是否最便宜呢? 如想購買一些食物作手信, 巴黎有哪幾間大型超級市場呢? (最好不是百貨公司裡面的那些) 它們的地址是甚麼?

由於位置所限, 本人另有一條問題. 3) 意大利哪個城市是購物的好地方? 那裡的百貨公司和名牌專門店又會在甚麼大減價呢? 減價時又會否人頭湧湧? 因我怕那兒治安不好, 樂極生悲. 本人問題雖多, 還望各位指教.

回答 (1)

2007-02-21 7:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) Sales in London usually begin slightly before Christmas, or for some really high-end stores, at and after Christmas. The first wave of sale will last till mid-January, and then the final wave (further mark-down) will last through end-January to early February. Summer sales begin around end-June or early-July, depending on the store (higher end stores start sales later), and will last till mid- to late- August.
2) Yes, Louis Vuitton is cheapest in France - roughly 10 to 15% cheaper than Hong Kong, and you can claim the tax back, which is another 13% off. Sales at Printemps or Galleries Lafayette begin around mid-June. It might be hard to find a sale in May. The food market at Printemps is actually not bad, and for wine, I almost always visit Lavinia, along rue de la Madeleine. There are many other specialty food shops in 8eme and 9eme arrondissmonts. Just take the RER and get off at Aube and walk around that whole area.
3) Depending on what you are shopping, Milan, Florence and Rome are most famous for their distinctive boutiques and designer flagship stores. There are factory outlets around Milan and Florence also. July is probably the best shopping season, as the whole of Italy will go on holiday in Auguest, so they'd want to sell everything off in July. Italians, sad to say, are not very wealthy, so the phenonmenon of 人頭湧湧 mostly involves tourists. 治安 is not really a problem if you know how to take care of yourself in a big city. If security is a concern, try to avoid anywhere south of Rome (Naples, Palermo, etc).

2007-02-25 11:16:23 補充:
It usually starts with 30% off MSRP, then further mark-down to 50% or so. However, every store works differently. These are just the stores I visit. Outlets can go as low as 70%, 80% off.

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