兩份工, 你會揀邊份

2007-02-11 4:26 am
一份係速遞公司做operation assistant, 人工8k, 5.5日, 有dd shift
返8句鐘, 過左probation 可能加少少
12個月糧, 冇 bonus, 未做過速遞支援文職, 覺得幾新鮮, 好像好有活力
一份係中學度做實驗室助理laboratory assistant, 定左9k, 5.5日返9個鐘
工作上可能好悶, 不知到識唔識到人

回答 (5)

2007-02-11 4:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
咁照咁睇.. 你應該係唔鍾意悶既人..
我諗.. 其實兩份工.. 人工都差唔多..
做得開心.. 最重要..
參考: 自己既感覺
2007-02-12 6:11 am
2007-02-11 5:33 am
Do you know the prospect of this two positions? Choose the one which has better prospect. I do not know what is the prospect of laboratory assistant in the school. For the position of operation assistant,does 速遞公司 promise you that you can transfer to other departments if you get the job well done. I will choose the job which has better prospect. Or you can take either one and meanwhile you should seek another chance.
2007-02-11 5:08 am
2007-02-11 4:30 am
laboratory assistant


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