
2007-02-11 3:32 am
- How old are you?
- What did you do when you were a King?
- Why did you do that?
- When did you build these?
- Why did you called King?
- Why did you die?
- Which thing did you fell pound after this was happen?
- Who were your favourite people?
- Why didi the peolpe unlike you?
- What will you do to make the people like you , if you was a King?


回答 (2)

2007-02-11 3:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Ok (字面)
2. I think you better re-phrase it as "what did you do as a King?"
3. Ok (字面)
4. Ok (字面)
5. Why did you called King 應改為 "Why people called you King?" or "Why did you call yourself King?"
6. Ok
7. Should be "Which things were you pround of after this happened?"
8. Should be "Who were your favorite persons?"
9. Should be "Why were you so unpopular?"
10. Should be "What would you do to make youself more popular, if you were a King?"

2007-02-10 21:28:33 補充:
pround should spell as proud
2007-02-11 3:39 am
didi>did King>China King Who were your favourite people?>
Who are you the most favourite people?
- - Why did you die=.=>Why did the China king die?

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