2007-02-11 12:34 am

我想問一下呢個袋係burberry專門店有冇得賣 ,and邊間信譽既鋪有得賣...

回答 (2)

2007-02-11 9:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
i suggest u go to femme ,ymk or sac
femme in kowloon have many shops
ymk always in hk islands
sac is the most experenise so i don't suggest u go
femme sales says when u buy a bag if any problem can change other within a month
ymk is also very ok

hope can help u ^^
參考: my opinion
2007-02-11 7:45 am
此仍Burberry Black label, 只有日本才有售, 可以試下去sac accessories 找找, 是一間信譽非常好的店, 有很多Burberry 日本版blue label 及black label 賣, 地址在銅鑼灣蘭芳道, 近蘋果商場

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