
2007-02-11 12:23 am

回答 (5)

2007-02-11 12:40 am
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Anchors in the deep bay famous marine gorgeous boat, is south an area big characteristic. We already may to as soon as try something new the fresh delicacy seafood and to the utmost the Chinese flavor good food, also may appreciate the curtain of night to hang down, on the ship decorative lighting illuminates a sea level piece of well-illuminated bright beautiful scene.
學英文,不懂就查字典或問別人,不要依賴翻譯網, 它不能幫你,反而會害你。
2007-02-13 12:56 am
The major attraction of the south side of the Hong Kong island is the famous floating restaurant, where we can treat ourselves to a delicious seafood meal full of Chinese characteristics while enjoying the spectacular seaview in the evening, illuminated by the restaurant's lighting fixtures.
2007-02-11 12:28 am
Anchors in the deep bay famous marine gorgeous boat, is south an area big characteristic. As soon as we already may by try something new the tasty taste seafood and to the utmost the Chinese flavor good food, also may appreciate the curtain of night to hang down, on the ship decorative lighting illuminates a sea level piece of well-illuminated bright beautiful scene.
2007-02-11 12:28 am
Anchors in the deep bay famous marine gorgeous boat, is south an area big characteristic. We already may to as soon as try something new the fresh delicacy seafood and to the utmost the Chinese flavor good food, also may appreciate the curtain of night to hang down, on the ship decorative lighting illuminates a sea level piece of well-illuminated bright beautiful scene.
2007-02-11 12:26 am
Moor at the well-known sea painted pleasure boat of the deep gulf, is a great special features of the south area.We since can on tasting the seafood of the fresh delicacy and fulfiling the delicacy of the Chinese taste very much can also appreciate the cope of night droop, on the boat of the lamps and laterns shine on the sea surface is a slice of bright brilliant of lovely view.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 16:40:20
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