lucky draw一問 (urgent)

2007-02-10 9:07 pm

we are please to mr. xxx draw the lucky winner for us? 可唔可以

回答 (2)

2007-02-10 9:24 pm
We are pleased to have draw out the lucky winner for us.
1. are pleased, 不是 please
2. draw out the (lucky) winner, 不是 draw.

2007-02-12 13:45:28 補充:
都話正確係 "draw out" 即中文的 "抽出" 囉. 發問者懶得考證, 要錯只能怪自己.
2007-02-10 9:18 pm
How about:
May we have the honour to have Mr. so-and-so to pick the next lucky winner for us?

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