簡單past tense問題

2007-02-10 8:19 pm
請問你用past tense o個陣係因為自己講緊o既野係過去o既事所以要用past tense
定係因為我想比人知道我講緊o既事係過去o既事先用past tense 呀???

thx x 1000000000000000000000000000000000000

回答 (5)

2007-02-11 7:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
你用past tense 係講緊過左去o既事,如果你想俾人知你講緊o既係過去就唔洗用。

例如:Yesterday , I was went to swim with Kelly. I said " I am happy , because I like swimming ! " 你會見到上述例子是在說昨天我跟kelly一起去游泳 ,然後我便說:「我很開心,因為我喜歡游泳!」 在我跟kelly說話的時候是沒有用過去式的。

P.S:在上面你看見 " I was went to swim with Kelly " 這一句你會看見為甚麼swim不用過去式,就是因為 前面有 " to "," to "之後應何字都不用改變。
2007-02-10 8:28 pm
顧名思義past tense係指過去式
past tense係用係過去既事
自己講緊既野係過去既野所以要用past tense
人地聽到你講個d tense轉左就已經知道你係講緊過去既野
你唔會俾佢知道左先用past tense
而係講左past tense關於過去既野
而人地聽到之後就會明白你講緊既verb係past tense即係講緊以前既野
所以係因為自己講緊o既野係過去o既事所以要用past tense
參考: myself
2007-02-10 8:25 pm
係要話比人知一件己幾過去的事,而這事已完結,便用past tense

e.g: I took my bag to school last day
2007-02-10 8:24 pm
兩個都係 真係好簡單
2007-02-10 8:24 pm
Both cases yes.

"The past tense is a verb tense expressing action, activity, state or being in the past. .... Simple past is used for describing acts that have already been secluded and whose exact time of occurrence is known. Furthermore, simple past is used for retelling successive events. That is why it is commonly used in storytelling."

Hope this is helpful to you.

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