Presentation 問題: MSN and young people

2007-02-10 8:05 pm
Talk about:

1.Are young people using the Internet positively? Explain

2.Is Internet chatting a healthy activity? Explain

3.Can the Internet help young people improve themselves? How?

4.Can this help improve communication skills? Explain

請俾d points 小弟~幫我回答以上問題

回答 (1)

2007-02-10 8:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.Young people are not really using the Internet positively.Nowadays,teenagers like playing computer games,using messager, watching movie or comic on internet.May be a few of people will use computer to do their homework by school force, example powerpoint project.

2.Internet chatting is not a healthy activity,teenager may indulge in messager, It also affect their studies.They may also make friends with some stranger and contact a lot of bad affect,example,bad frineds on messager may call you smoking , taking drugs,etc.Teenagers may continence and control beware using computer too long time on internet chatting.

3. Internet can help young people improve themselves if they use internet positively, they can learn some knowledge from surfing net. They can really learn more knowledge, they can doing reading on internet, they can also ask question on internet, internet help people to communicate, playing english games may learn more english vocabulary too.
They can also find a lot of knowledge from internet, because internet got a lot of information.

4.Internet can't improve communication skills, they don't know how to communicate after using computer to communicate recently.They may rely on using messager and don't know how to communicate well.

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