CHEM高手請進!(Please answer in english briefly!)

2007-02-10 7:01 pm
What is the function of adding Li to the sample(Table salt) and the standard solutions(prepared form the table salt) in direct intensity method and internal standard method of flame photometry*(an experiment to determine the sodium content of a table salt sample using direct intensity method and internal standard method)?

*A kind of atomic emission spectrophotometry mainly for the analysis of alkali metals such as Na, K and Li.

回答 (1)

✔ 最佳答案
As atomic emission spectrophotometry measure atomization energy but not ionization energy . When measuring alkali metals such as Na, K in a sample such as (Table salt). Li usually added to the solution in other to suppress the ionization for Na, K to occur during their buring in flame.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 17:05:26
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