Some information of 鶴咀燈塔 please

2007-02-10 6:34 pm
I want some specific information! Do not only give me little.(Antiquties and Monument Office) Please don't answer with useless things. Thanks!

回答 (2)

2007-02-10 6:56 pm
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一八六七年,海軍測量員列特中校受命在進入香港港口的航道沿岸,選擇適當的位置興建燈塔。他建議在橫瀾島及香港島以南一個小島,即位於前往新加坡航路上的Gap Rock設置燈塔。然而,由於當時這兩個地方均超越香港水域範圍,故計劃無法落實。

根據港務長H.G. Thomsett一八七三年三月的報告,鶴咀、青洲和哥連臣角這三個地點雖屬次選,但全部位於香港水域,而地理上又能扼守香港東西兩面入口,為進港的船隻導航。故此,鶴咀燈塔的興建工程隨即展開。



2007-02-25 6:09 pm
Being one of the five surviving pre-war lighthouses in Hong Kong, Cape D'Aguilar Lighthouse was declared a monument on 3 March 2006.

Situated at the southeast of Hong Kong Island, Cape D'Aguilar Lighthouse, the first of its kind built in Hong Kong, was put into service on 16 April 1875. The existing structure is a round stone tower, 9.7 metres high and white in colour. The tower base, the arched doorway and the circular staircase are of fine masonry. The door is made of iron with geometric decoration on top.

As a result of the operation of Waglan Island Lighthouse in 1893, Cape D'Aguilar Lighthouse became superfluous, and was discontinued in 1896. The disused first-order light was removed from Cape D'Aguilar and, together with the light apparatus, was subsequently transferred to Green Island in 1905 to replace the fourth-order light. It was not until 1975 that the lantern of Cape D'Aguilar Lighthouse was re-lit and automated.

Cape D'Aguilar Lighthouse once played an important role in the maritime history of Hong Kong. It is now under the management of Marine Department.

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