點解d外國人成日問How Are You?

2007-02-10 1:10 pm
我日日都要答fine, good, not bad, 我唔知我仲可以答咩

我明佢地咁問都係關心既表現, 但我覺得答到好厭, 可能culture唔同啦


回答 (4)

2007-02-10 1:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案

I understand your feeling, as a person who is in the western world for so long.
I will answer you with my feeling too.

"How are you ?" is just a way to say "HELLO", nothing much ...
Western people, just do it as a manner, they don't care about you much ...
Nowaday, in the young group, we always say "What's up" ....

You already did a good job, all you need to do is saying
"Fine, thanks"
"Great, can't be better" ...
"not bad at all, still alive" ...
"excellent, what a sunny day"...

if you want to know them more, all you need to do is :
"Fine, thanks, how about you ?"
then they may response more info. to you ...

Be nice, since relationship is very important in western culture ...
you are smart, young and beautiful, not enough ...
you need other people to say "you are smart, young and beautiful"

It is very interesting to talk to people, open yourself a bit more,
say ...
"Fine, thank you, you know what, I just complete the series of "Friends" ..."
"Great, oh, did you see the football game last night ... Colt is doing great ..."
"Not bad, except my kid is feeling sick last evening, quite a mess"

Anyway, I understand it is a culture difference, but you need to learn
how to communicate o... and PR is very very important ...
nodding your head and a simple smile is not enough in western culture.

just my experience...

參考: my own experience ...
2007-02-11 1:00 am

2007-02-10 3:15 pm
ok, i have emigrated to usa for 5 months....and i always hear someone ask me "how do u doing?" or "how are u?" or "what 's up?" etc.
they just want to show "polite"....
fine , good , not bad , nice...is a common answer...
if u really have something unhappy or special today, u can tell him/her about what happen to u....
i hear people say "thank you"all the time in usa here....or "sorry"...
my experience:
when someone hit u and his/her says "i'm sorry" , u will think that she/he is nice...
when someone tell u thank you, u will be happy too because u help him/her something and the income is"thank you"(she/he will thinks u r nice also)
if i compare chinese and american....i think americans are more polite.....
because i just moved here..
參考: myself@@
2007-02-10 3:06 pm
佢地成日都甘問 我都覺得好厭

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