Questions about smoking in public???

2007-02-10 11:59 am
Should smoking be banned in restaurants?
Should Smoking be banned in public buildings and places of entertainment?
Should smokers be forced to cutail their smoking?

answer it in english please.... thxxx

回答 (1)

2007-02-10 2:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Smoking should be banned in restaurants, because there are many non-smokers such as baby, child etc. It is better to keep the environment fresh so that people can enjoy the meal. Besides, smoking can affect the health of not only the smokers themselves but also the non-smokers. They are the victims to inhale second-hand smoke if restaurants allow smoking. It is also good for the restaurants waiters, avoid the risk of exposing the second-hand smoke for long time.

Smoking should also be banned at public area, it is because the environment problem is very serious already, if they still contribute some smoke to the environment, it will accelerate the world to be destory. Considering the future, smoking should be banned for long term benefit. However, smoking should not be banned in entertainment place as people go there for relax and business purposes, it may affect the economy or the profit of companies from the economic perspectives. Besides, the companies who produce cigarette may suffer huge amount of loss and the consumers or smokers who buy the cigarette has no places to enjoy it.

My attitude toward smoking is encouraging people to give up smoke as the health is more important than your relaxation rely on smoking. Instead, people should try to have some more healthy exercises.

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 17:59:42
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