What is Back Office?

2007-02-10 9:23 am
What is Back Office? 請詳細回答.
註: 中、英都可,維基百科的不被收納

回答 (1)

2007-02-10 9:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
"Back office

While the front office of, say, a bank or investment bank, handles the dealing, the back office is the administrative centre, seeing to the confirmation and settlement of transactions and ensuring that deals conform with the various regulatory and documentation requirements.
See also: middle office. "

front office 包括concierge(禮賓部:bellboy doorman), reception(接待處), reservation dept.(訂房部)… 是前線工作的部門
back office 即是背後support前線工作的部門, 包括電腦部,人事部等等

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