new & existing electrical installation mix inside the same system. The risk of elect. hazard is much be higher.
Pursuant to EMSD requirement. all the electrical work must be obtained certificate. (.e. g. Grade A, B, C...class for electrical work permit work).
1. All the registered electrical worker is already recevie the handout for new color/ system knowledge.
2.Since 2007 Jan.. all electrical worker new application and/or renew, upgrade applicant must be completed the new cable identification teaching & assesment. after passed.The application would be allowed. This is the requirement to ensure the technical knowledge for all the registered electrician.
3. mix new & existing system.. the warning label must be provided on visual area. (requirment refer to handout any issue by EMSD -by post)
Under OSHO ordinance. The regulation is already cover the risk... and carry out the elect work under the registered electrician.
Background. world direction... IEC or BS already start the new color .. the Red, Yellow and Blue marketing will be reduce...The price is to be increase if market reduce.
anu queries.. Refer or
參考: Own knowledge, done the assessment, Permitted Work any capacity of HV and LV