尋攻略...有邊個可以help me?

2007-02-10 8:09 am

我要中交的= =



回答 (1)

2007-02-10 9:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. First, look at your checklist. It will list a couple things you have to do. You need to complete those before you do anything else. Here they are: a. Call me when you get home. To do this just go to the room with a tv and click on the phone and press the yellow button. Done! (press the black button to go away from it). b. Mom's pills are in the bathroom. Go upstairs and click on the sink picture. now click the cubboard. now there's gonna be some scary thing! but then you're done. c. get mom food from the refridgerator. just go into the tv room and click on the picture with lots of rice paper around it (there's also a kitchen table). now click on the refrigherator. now click it again when it flashing again. Done! d. something about laundry. go to the porch and click on all of the photograph pictures. they will disappear. now go up the stairs, and click on the door straight ahead. click on it again BOOM! click on it again BOOM! and click it one more time SHA-BAM!! now open the closet (you could die here by chance) and hope you live, then click the closet again. Done! i think thats all of them. but when you have all your chores done, go upstairs and click on the door on the right. WARNING: THIS PART IS SCARY! now open the white, flashing closet just a creak. now open it again (you could die here by chance) and hope you live, THEN SEE A LITTLE BOY SITTING IN THE CLOSET. now click on the glowing blue opening over the closet (if you lived) to go to the attic. this is the part with the highest chance of you dieing. if you *somehow* (like i did) survive, move your mouse to the left, and grab the phone. click on it when it stops flashing. CONGRAGULATIONS! YOU WON!

註: you always have a chance of dieing or surviving. In the Attic you probably have a 20% chance of not dieing. If you don't die, grab the phone (you just have to turn around) and you'll beat the game. It doesn't say you beat the game, but that's when you win. :)

2007-02-14 00:32:11 補充:
要看你的checklist (備忘) - a. ”當你會家時,打比我” 你要去打電話。去電視房,點電話,點黃鍵,之後點黑鍵離離。 b. ”媽的藥在洗手間” 你要上樓上,點洗手盤的圖畫,再點櫃。 c. ”到冰箱拿媽的食物” 去電視房,點一幅周圍有好多紙的圖。再點雪櫃,當它閃的時候再點一次。 d. ”洗衫” 到出面,點所有相片(它們會消失)。跟住上樓梯,點在你面前方向的門。再它多三次。現在開衣櫃(隨機死亡)。再點衣櫃一次。備忘上的事就完完啦。

2007-02-14 00:38:38 補充:

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