How Should I Help Him?

2007-02-10 5:04 am
My bestfriend since kindergarten might have just gotten his gf pregnant...she's three weeks late on her period and that's common for girls at this age but still if she is pregnant, he's gonna have to get a job, quit school, and I won't see him much anymore, and I wasn't ready to go my seperate ways with him, he's like a brother to me and I don't wanna lose that...can somebody please help me out here? We're 15, restless, and don't know where we are going so please no critism on, "oh they were too young" I've got that part already...just please give me some help...

Ok thanks guys I appreciate it, I know I was being selfish, but seriously this guy like is the only 1 true friend I have in this world and I'm totally behind him with his kid, hell we even established I'm "Uncle Chris" ha...but I didn't want to be selfish and I know he needs advice more than I, but it's hard to see somebody you've known your whole life go through this and know that he may never come back depending on the decisions he makes when the baby does come...It's hard guys and your advice and kind words will push me to be there for him when I'm needed and leave when I'm not, I thank you for everything!

回答 (14)

2007-02-10 5:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
Alright, here is the deal, if he really got her pregnant they have to face the fact that everything is about to seriously change. This includes you and your relationship with your bestfriend. Ask her girlfriend to do some pregnancy tests. If it comes out negative, then good! If it is positive, the two of them MUST and NEED to talk to their parents about it. Since they are both minors, there is no one else to turn to but their own families. Do expect that their families might get mad. Tell your bestfriend and his girlfriend to give their families some time as well to grasp and think things through. It is very important for their families to converse about their situation. It is very important, as well, for your friends to finish their studies. So, maybe both families will agree to the best solution. Let them finish their studies first. Let your guy bestfriend's family to give support of any kind to the girl and their baby. After the baby has been born, their families might still think that it is for the best for your friends to stay home with their own families. I am sure. After they graduate, your bestfriend definitely needs to look for a summer or part time job and start saving money for their baby. Both of them now has a responsibility. A BIG RESPONSIBILITY. Actually, they now have an obligation towards that baby. Do not encourage them to runaway from their families because nothing good will happen to the three of them. It will be scary for them to tell the truth but it is the best thing to do. THE RIGHT THING TO DO before it is too late. All they need is their families' love and support. (Ofcourse they love them both!) As for you and your friend, if his girl got pregnant (make sure it is really his - the baby) the two of you can still be friends. He will need you more than ever and show him that you really are his true bestfriend by just being there to support him emotionally.
2007-02-10 1:07 pm
dont' help. mind your own business.
2007-02-10 1:08 pm
Ok...I know that youre not ready to lose your friend BUT you cant be selfish. Youre talking about losing a friend but this is a whole new LIFE thats going on here. You can help him by encouraging him to do the right thing and take care of the baby. He made the choice to have sex and whether he likes it or not along with that comes the potential / responsibility of a baby.

I know you probably dont like this answer. Good luck :)
2007-02-10 1:42 pm
The only way you can help your buddy is by trying to convince him and the girl to get abortion. 15 year olds are incapable of raising children. The sh** has already hit the fan, the cat's out of the bag, pick your cliche. There is only one way to mitigate this disaster. Lend him the money if he needs it.
2007-02-10 1:11 pm
He has a "girlfriend" I think your concern should be that "they" make sensible decisions. I hope if you consider the mess he is in you will be more hesitant to dabble in mature activities if you can't pay the piper, that is to say step up to the plate, "take responsibility for the life you may create". Or keep your pants on.
2007-02-10 1:11 pm
Best advice I thing anyone can give you is just to be there for him if he need a shoulder or an ear to lean on. If the girl is pregnant, then he's going to need it.
2007-02-10 1:10 pm
First of all, 3 weeks late is not common for girls that age. Its true their cycles might not be completely regular, but 3 weeks is pretty late. She should take a pregnancy test!

As for your feelings.. all I can say is, be supportive. You don't have to go your separate ways, you can still be a big part in his life. Having the baby will be very tough, but not impossible. Even if you weren't ready to go separate ways, you just have to accept it. Its time for him to grow up. I'm sorry you have to go through this...
2007-02-10 1:10 pm
if he's really your friend, you should be there to support him, don't you think?
2007-02-10 1:10 pm
Well I would say abortion is not the answer that's murder. sorry but true your friend should have wore a condom that's the consequences you pay you play you pay sounds like you kinda like this guy. why would it ruin your relationship with him its only a baby not the end of the world sorry kinda harsh but true
2007-02-10 1:11 pm
Well first tell them to buy a pregnancy tester, they're cheap and you can get them in a lot of places (CVS, Eckerd, etc.)
If it tests positive, buy another one just to be sure.
If she is pregnant, honestly I would suggest she has an abortion. If she has it within the first trimester of her pregnancy it should be around $300, but if she waits till the second it'll be over a thousand (at least that's how it was with a friend of mine last year), so talk to him about it soon and tell him not to wait.

Oh and know that I'm on your side of this and I'm not one of those annoying "omg he's too young, it was his mistake so he should have to deal with it, blahblahblah" type of people. Yes, it is his mistake but it shouldn't have to have a huge effect on his life, his girlfriend's, the baby, and all of their friends and family members - which is why I suggest abortion. And to what someone said up there, abortion isn't murder, go read up on it.

Good luck. Oh and you should stick by him through this, so don't listen to anyone else if they tell you not to haha.
2007-02-10 1:19 pm
I don't know what you can do. He has to do everything that he can to support his girlfriend and the baby.

I'm sorry, but when children (teenagers) have children there are no easy quick solutions in terms of how to deal with the situation.
This is the very reason that we tell you that you are too young to be having sex because we know that you are not ready to deal with having children, sexually transmitted diseases, etc.

I know you don't want criticism, but you teenagers have to wake up and listen when adults tell you that you are not ready for sex and all of the responsibilities that go along with it.

Hopefully your best friend and his girlfriend have the support of their families because they and their unborn child are really going to need it.
2007-02-10 1:12 pm
awww you guys are young i am to and im pregnant in school. my family aint rich but i know that i will always have help.. and im sure she will to.. i dont think he should quit school because what if he never goes back. and an education is too important especially if he want to get a good job later in life.. i understand thats your bestfriend but you sound kind of selfish instead of thinking about him leaving you u should be worried about his education and his baby
2007-02-10 1:13 pm
Wow, you're really jumping a long way. A late period doesn't automatically mean all the things you're assuming. She might not be pregnant, if she is pregnant they might give it up for adoption, or their parents might be amazing and offer support so they can get through this without having to mess up their lives. I'm thinking you should just be there if you're needed, butt out if you're not, and support your friend no matter what happens. Your question seems a lot more concerned with what you might lose than what your friend might be going through. Are you being a good friend to him?
2007-02-10 4:39 pm
pls abortion does not have to be an option here.people spend hundreds of thousand trying to have kids.are you sure she's preggy?having sex at 15 without a condom??????? how could he.i am pregnant though married and i know how much of a miracle this is.let's face it,abortion is simply dont want your hands dripping with innocent blood now do you???? her family could be supportive,you can never tell. ..and o!!!if you must have sex at 15...... use a condom they cost next to nothing.

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