what is the weakness of management information system?

2007-02-10 7:21 am
what is the weakness of management information system?

回答 (1)

2007-02-10 2:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The management information system need a big cost in investing of computers. Also, specific computer professionals should be hired in order to operate the systems.

If there is computer vendor to supply the management information system, we may need to follow the rule of the vendor. Such as to update the system regularly.

It needs time and money to build the management information system. However, according to the specification of the design, specific process may be used. The process may not be best fit to the company.

Also, as the managment information system is being fixed. There is no easy change to meet the new requirement of the customer.

Finally, there may be substitution of the current management information system due to the development of technology. Replacement of it may be necessary. It need a cost and time.

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