有咩資料會儲在RAM 同 ROM?? 專人請入 (20分)

2007-02-10 7:18 am
想問問電腦有d咩野會擺落ram?? 另外有d咩資料會放在rom??

1. 一般office文件會放在哪一者?? 還是harddisk??

2. program 放在harddisk 還是 ram?? (是執行程式用ram, 儲存程式檔案地方為hd嗎??)

3. 作業系統是放在ram嗎??

4. ram是用作儲存還是load程式?? 那ram有咩用??

5, rom又如何??

麻煩回答 感激不盡 最佳回答 要簡短易明 不長篇大論 廿分奉送

咁rom 同 harddisk 有咩分別?? 分別有d乜野會stored係兩者度??

回答 (2)

2007-02-10 5:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Ram---run programs and temporary save data when windows is running
Rom---Bios, keep all your hardware configure when you turn on PC (Can't erase unless corrupted Bios default file when update your Bios version.

1. Office document Save in Harddisk. however, it save the Ram and harddisk during you are editing your document.

2. Program is placed in Hd. when you run the program, it will save some files in Ram for read/write during processing.

3. Same as Q2, Operation system always put essential files, such as, dll files, exe files store into ram temporary. it is because the read/write time in Ram is quicker than read/write time in Harddisk. Therefore, when program is running, it will store in Ram. When Close the program, it will save all files from Ram to Harddisk. For example, Football match. All players sit at the side of the ground before start the game(Harddisk). During the match, all players are runing in the ground(Ram). When finished, Players go back to side to take rest (harddisk). I hope you clear what is the different.

4. Yes, Ram's function is used for temporary save Data and files. it help CPU to keep running programs and data, All data lost when Power gone.

5. Permanent save all data and files. Although you disconnect Power. all Data and files still save in Rom and never delete in general.
參考: myself
2007-02-10 7:53 am
隨機存取記憶體(Random Access Memory,或稱為RAM),是一種在電腦中用來暫時保存數據的元件。它可以隨時讀寫,而且速度很快,通常作為作業系統或其他正在運行中的程式之臨時資料存儲媒介。不過,當電源關閉時RAM不能保留數據,如果需要保存數據,就必須把它們寫入到一個長期的儲存設備中(例如硬碟)。

唯讀記憶體(Read-Only Memory,ROM)是一種半導體記憶體,其特性是一旦儲存資料就無法再將之改變或刪除。通常用在不需經常變更資料的電子或電腦系統中,資料並且不會因為電源關閉而消失。例如早期的個人電腦如Apple II或IBM PC XT/AT的開機程式(作業系統)或是其他各種微電腦系統中的軔體(Firmware)。
參考: 維基

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