
2007-02-10 6:53 am

回答 (4)

2007-02-10 11:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
There is no easy way, unfortunately.

But you can try the following suggestions:

First of all, change the way you think from Chinese comes first to English come first. They are totally two different language systems. Direct translation is already hard otherwise translation shouldnt be a profession. Moreover, Cantonese is so special that it is hard to translate word by word to English.

Try to use simple English. To avoid difficult and complicated sentenses in composition will save you from losing some points due to making mistakes in HKCEE. Learn from books for children. They present idea, concept and tell story in a very simple way using simple English. It works and highly recognised.

Practice makes perfect is the golden rule. I encourage you to make use of the technology and make it a tool to improve your English. You can IM in English. I say ENGLISH not Chinglish or HK-style English which can only be understood by us who live in HK or those who know native Cantonese. Talk to people from coutnries whose native langauge is English. Write email in English.You will amaze how fast you can pick up the grammer and many more vocabularies by learning from others. Read news in English. If you worry that you wont completetly understand what they are talking about, read the news in Chinese first and then go to the same one in English. Sooner or later you will catch up with the words they used. You can find good resources online, such as yahoo.

After all, the idea is to increase your exposure to English environment. Good luck.
2007-02-10 7:15 am
No pain, no gain
參考: 自己經驗
2007-02-10 6:59 am
e.g : I very love you . (wrong)
I love you very much . (right)
2007-02-10 6:59 am
呢家野真係好難有快既方法, 真係要聽多d 同睇多d, 我估你學校d 老師乽有收你地聽英文電台, 睇下英文電視劇都有幫助, 同埋迫自己每日睇下英文報紙, 學好language一定要勤力, 冇捷徑

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