
2007-02-10 4:32 am

回答 (5)

2007-02-10 5:11 am
Yesterday my father department Che Wuyou, enters the oil my father to the service station.
2007-02-10 4:41 am

Yeasterday!My father's car didn't have oil,my father went to the service station and enter the oil in the car.

[唔知個grama o岩唔o岩架.但係多數都o岩o既]
2007-02-10 4:38 am
Yesterday, my father's car did not have oil, my father went to the oil station to add the oil.

2007-02-09 20:39:19 補充:
是gas station ,no is oil station SORRY!!!!
參考: ME
2007-02-10 4:38 am
Yesterday! My father department Che Wuyu, enters the oil my father to the service station
2007-02-10 4:36 am
My father's car ran out of fuel yesterday. He went to refill at a gas station.

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 18:59:47
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