幾時用will + v???幾時用will be + v-ing????

2007-02-10 3:14 am
幾時用will + v???幾時用will be + v-ing????

回答 (2)

2007-02-10 8:12 pm
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simple future 比 future continuous 常用的. 我們想表達將來可能會發生甚麼事, 說出自己的意願、計劃或請求時, 多用 simple future 的, 例如:

John has just called you but you were out. He will call you again tomorrow.
I will call him if he doesn't call back.
Will you marry me?

但以下情況, 我們選擇用 future continuous:

預期一些即將很快便會發生的事, 而且你想強調那事是有一種延續性的. 看例子會較易明白:

(waiting at the airport, looking at the planes taking off and landing, at 11:00am ...)
According to John's email, he should have taken the early flight from Singapore to HK. In half an hour's time the plane will be landing here.
I guess the first thing he will say to me is HI.

至於我將會做緊功課一語, 即使是中文, 也是很怪似的. 或許應補充一些上文下理如下: 假設你習慣每天都於5-6pm做功課的, 而現在是 5:30pm. 若有人問你, 你明天同樣時間有甚麼事做? 你便會說:

I'll be doing homework (as usual) at this time tomorrow.
(聽日同樣時間, 我應該同平日一樣, 做緊功課)

2007-02-10 12:14:40 補充:
present continuous 都有將來式的作用的, 但不想令你混亂, 不在此詳述了.
2007-02-10 4:30 am
will + v
I will do homework

will be + v-ing
I will be doing homework

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