網際網路 的問題

2007-02-10 2:58 am
唔知點解我個 IE 上唔到網,上咩網都係睇到以下呢段英文

Access Denied

Your system was configured to deny access to this URL.Because this url was and improper/obscene website or your package is localnet

For assistance, contact your network support team.

用其他瀏覽器可以上到網...淨係 IE 上唔到,有沒有人可以幫下我呀!!

回答 (1)

2007-02-10 9:20 am
✔ 最佳答案

1) Tools - > Internet Options
2) 最上排 搵第四個 Tab -> Content
3) 第一個格叫 Content Advisor. 如無意外, 我估你已經係 Enable 左
4) Click Disable

不過你要有password. 如果唔係你鎖既, 你要搵邊個做依樣野. 如果做果個人都唔記得左password, 咁就好煩啦.

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