問英文,Telephone Conversation

2007-02-10 2:10 am

佢(我同事)唔响位,啱啱行開左。我講 She not in around 啱唔啱呢?


又應該點講呢? Thanks

唔好意思,可能我問得唔清楚。 請問你搵邊位? 係面對面講,唔係電話對答,sorry! 用She not in around, 會唔會比人有個confuse佢走左(resign/放左工) 呢? Thanks

回答 (3)

2007-02-10 2:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
你可以話:She's not at her seat / table, may i know who's calling? 跟住寫低來電者的姓名電話及所屬機構,最好同佢覆實啲字的串法,一般外國人都唔介意你問多句。最後記得同人哋講話叫同事覆佢:i will ask / let her to call you back.

2007-02-09 18:39:48 補充:
哦,不如試試咁樣:你:早晨,我可以幫到你嗎?Good morning, may i help you?佢:我想搵xxxx或我約了nnnn,我是A公司的Simon Carl. I am looking for xxxxx / I have an appointment with nnnnn, I'm Simon Carl from A company.

2007-02-09 18:40:04 補充:
你: I'm sorry, she's at a meeting. Would you please take a seat? she will be ready in 15 mins. (唔好意思佢開緊會,請你坐一陣,個會15分鐘就完,佢之後就可以見你)如果你公司都好大,佢又唔知行去邊,你都可以請佢坐一陣,然後去搵你同事:She's not at her desk. Would you please take a seat first, I will get her back.希望可以幫到你。
參考: 我以前做接待員,公司有成200人。
2007-02-10 2:14 am
- She is not around (ok)
- She is away from her desk for the moment.

- She is on the phone right now.

- May I know who's calling?
參考: Myself
2007-02-10 2:13 am
you should say:
she is not here
may i take a message for you~~

hope i can help you ~
參考: english book (my)

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