how to add/replace something in exe file

2007-02-10 1:02 am
how to add/replace something in exe file

回答 (2)

2007-02-10 10:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
exe 係 execute file 咁解. 通常開一個 program 要 run 既就係 .exe file

不過, exe 唔係 programming file. 所以開左, 你都唔會睇到任何有意思既野.

如果你只係想加 D raw data 向個 file 入面, 你可以試下用 Notepad.
1) open Notepad
2) 將你個 .exe file 拉去 Notepad 打字既範圍

不過咁樣 add/replace 左既 exe 好大機會唔會run 到.

如果你只係想改個file 名, 你可以 click 左個 .exe file 之後, 咁 ”F2”
2007-02-10 1:05 am
I could not understand what you want to know, give example!

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