
2007-02-09 9:51 pm
本人有Engg. degree, 7年工作經驗 (但主要是細公司). 現在開始o係一間有規模d既公司做一份2年的contract工,係manager grade. 担心緊兩年後搵工,所以考慮讀parttime. 一是mba,二是一d基本d既科目,例如兩文三語,或者同我工作有關既project management.

想問, 持有mba有助搵工嗎? 定係幫助做長工既人晉升多d? 僱主會點睇呢?

回答 (2)

2007-02-10 12:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think what matters is the process from which you obtained your MBA. Normally, a MBA course will give you opportunities in team work, mixing ideas from different backgrounds, and arriving at practical solutions in everyday corporate life. Distance Learning MBAs (e.g. the one offered by London U, where you just take exams) cannot give you this.
Good schools have interactive classroom discussions, group projects, and can solve your daily management problems. So degrees offered by UST or Western Ontario will guarantee you good job prospects. You need to choose your MBA well, don't just take whatever is cheap, or easy to pass.
2007-02-09 10:00 pm
我会觉得MBA现在越来越多,有些甚至是DISTANCE LEARNING,所以不一定有就会代表很吃香.我有个同事,他没有FIRST DEGREE的,但就是和人一起抄功课就拿了个不知名的MBA,但您有没有真材实料人家一面试就会看出来.所以我觉得拿一个入场门票是没问题.但还是要有料才是上选.

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