Window XP Internet Connection

2007-02-09 8:18 pm
I have a computer using window xp and netvigator boardband to connect the internet (NOT full router). But now the internet could not be connected. Netvigator staff already came to my home to check the Netvigator system but they said it's not problem regarding to the Line. I also sent my computer to my friend he using the router to connect the internet, but it still can not connect. Any suggestion? Is it relate to the seting of IE? Should I reinstall the IE? How?

回答 (2)

2007-02-09 10:09 pm
You gotta check your LAN card, it's very common that the onboard LAN

From your computer {Start} choose {RUN}
type {CMD} enter
A black box of {COMMAND} will appear
Then type {ipconfig/all} enter
Your LAN card IP details will appear.

CHeck your IP address
If it shows {}
that means your LAN card malfunction and can not get connect.

Reboot your PC and press [delete] or [F2} go to BIOS SETUP
Choose (On borad device} ~ {LAN Device} ~ click {DISABLE}
Key {F10} for Save & Exit

Then re-plug a PCI LAN Card and then restart your XP
It will detect your new LAN card, you can plug cable to your
new card and start IE.
It should be done then.
參考: ME
2007-02-09 8:46 pm
Check your network card. You may want to replace it if that doesn't work.
You can check the device first by going to Control Panel. Then try to reinstall the driver. If that's still not working. Replace your card.

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