
2007-02-09 5:18 pm
請問有無人識韓文呀,我有個韓文既地址想知道是在那裡.很急呀.好心幫我啦.(因我不識打韓文字上來,所以請直接與我聯絡吧.E-MAIL:[email protected].

回答 (1)

2007-02-13 1:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
from the content of the mail that mickchan sent to me,
the address in Koran is :


보내는 사람 ....... 참임하
충북 서청주 우체국
사서함 145-398
( KOREA ) ....... 받는 [사람]


寄件人 / Sender ....... Cham Im Ha
忠北 서청주 郵遞局 / ChungBuk SeoCheongJu Post Office
私書函 / Post Office Box 145 398
361-708 [ 郵便番號 / Postal Code ]
( 韓國 / KOREA ) ....... 收件[人 / Recipient]


충북 = 忠北 = 忠淸北道
It's a province south of Seoul

서청주 우체국/SeoCheongJu Post Office's address is at
忠北 청주시 흥덕구 복대1동 /
ChungBuk, CheongJu City, GeongDeok District, BokDae 1 Dong

It should be at the western part of 청주시(CheongJu City) 흥덕구(District/區)
A map is sent to mickchan separately by email.
CheongJu City is 1.5 ~1.75 hours by express bus from Seoul

Sorry, as the address is a post office box, l dont think it helps you much.
Let me know if you want to know more.
參考: yahoo map

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