eng native speaker??

2007-02-09 9:31 am
其實我想知外國native speaker講英文既風格


回答 (3)

2007-02-09 3:38 pm
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其實以上講既english accent, 除左有美國同英國之外, 澳洲亦都十分唔同. 可能比較少聽到, 不過都算係緊次於頭兩者既”主流”(第三主統)

至於美國口音都有分幾種. 少少似一個講開國語既中國人, 就算講緊流利廣東話, 有時都聽得出. 最有分別既美國口音有”Southern Accent”主要來自美國南部既洲既人講既野 同 ”East Coast”口音 (New York 果邊). 美國中部既牛仔亦有自己另一套既口語.

例子有: hang out - 好似香港人講緊既 氣 (h e )
XX bucks - XX 蚊 (元)
想聽下既可以去youtube搵一D 美國既”sit-com” 即係少少似香港佳大歡喜形式既劇集

英國口音重黎譜! 如果你聽唔慣. 你會聽得明續隻字講乜, 但係完全唔知佢地講緊乜....
英國亦都有分好多種口音. 其中我相信 scottland accent 係比較易接觸同易分得出.
演員 Ewan Mcgregor 就有 scottist accent啦. 想知有咩分別可以去睇佢早期, 比較小製作既電影 (例如 Trainspotting) (荷里活級既佢都介得七七八八架啦)
另外, Austin Power 3 之 Goldmember, 講到austin power 同佢老豆重逢又係一絕既笑料. 如果你想知我講緊乜野叫做”隻隻字聽得明, 不過唔知講乜” 不妨租黎睇下

口語例子係, 我聽得最多既係 bloody! 佢地唔鍾意既野會形容為bloody XD, 或bloody hell
英國電視 with Ewan Mcgregor: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zihCVhyIZ8
裏面主持人講british accent, ewan 就有少少少少(真係好少)Scottish accent

順帶一提, 香港英文係最近british accent. 不過好少土生香港人講得一口純正英國口音. (不過唔關亞洲人事, 歐洲人好多講英文都唔正架.)

澳洲口音 我最近聽得最多既係 Curtis Stone. 佢係一個廚, 做一個節目叫”Take Home Chef”.
如果你想知道澳洲本地口語, 我記得好耐之前有”Amazing Race”(又係電視節目)去過澳洲. 向果度玩既遊戲係搵出當地口語點解. 不過我唔知你可以有咩辦搵返黎睇... 哈哈哈......
一個例子係, 佢地好鍾意叫人做 mate! 即係講東話(三唔識七時)叫人老友.

此外, 我想太長篇大論. 不過你想知佢地口語點解, 可以向google搵 british slang, american slang, 同 aussie slang.
2007-02-09 10:25 am
Native English speakers from UK and US speak differently as well. The accent, stresses, tone, speed, and manner are different. If you watch movies next time, try to distinguish the difference between UK and US speakers. It is quite different.

Usually HK people speak English well in term of using of words, pronounciation, and grammar. But the speed, stress, and tone are sometimes off.
2007-02-09 9:36 am
native speakers are different in the way they speak because they uses many cliche as well as slang. Just like cantonese, we sometimes speak words that are not in the dictionary. There are also idioms and other traditional things that native speakers will incorporate into their normal conversations.

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