
2007-02-09 8:07 am
Many of us 唔知當中五之後應該繼續讀書,增進知識;定係終日玩樂,浪費光暗;或是選擇就業,充實自己和增加個人經驗.The best solution to this problem is 學校提供一些相關的講座,讀書ge話佢地可以點樣進升,就業ge話有咩職業可以俾佢地選擇.以及提供相關資訊及意見,令佢地知道選擇讀書,玩樂,就業有什麼好處同壞處.Another problem is that secondary 5 students 容易受別人ge引誘about personal problems.In my opinion,they are容易對事物產生好奇同容易受朋友引誘去吸食毒品and smoking.如果唔去做又驚自己會被朋友排斥.To solve the problem,I would like to suggest that the school教導佢地點樣分別是非黑白,吸食毒品and smoking會帶來什麼禍害同影響.

回答 (2)

2007-02-09 8:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
Many of us fail to decide whether to continue studying and enhance our knowledge, focus on enjoying life and waste some time, or enrich personal experience by getting employed. Schools can dispel this confusion by providing relevant talks, from where students, according to their preferences, can gather information on how to pursue advanced study or plan their career path. Through such events, students can thoroughly evaluate and adjust their future decision.

Another concerning problem is abundance of temptations surround the form five students who are already troubled by numerous personal issues. In my opinion, this cohort is usually naturally curious; they may start taking drugs or smoking simply because of curiousity, or afraid of possible repulsion from their peer if they refuse to conform. In order to solve the problem, schools should introduce a just value system, and clearly explain the damages associated with drug and cigarette additions.

2007-02-09 00:44:49 補充:
Revision:Another concerning problem is abundance of temptations surround{ing} the form five students who are already troubled by numerous personal issues.
2007-02-09 8:18 am
Many of us do not know if you should continue to study after form 5 in order to increase our knowledge, or to get wasted and have fun all day long, or to start working in order to expand our own experience and make good use of ourselves. The best solution to address this problem is to have our school to host a talk related to these issues, such as how one can progress if he/she decides to continue to study, or what choices would one have if he/she decides to enter the job market. It will be very helpful if personal feedback and related information will be provided to the participants, so that we will know the advantages or disadvantages of choosing to study, work or just play. Another problem is that form 5 students will get influenced easily by others when it comes to personal issues/problems. In my opinion, their curiousity and influence from friends will result them in taking drugs and/or smoking. The are afraid that they will be ignored by friends if they refused to follow them. To solve this problem, I would like to suggest that the school should educate them how to determine the rights and wrongs of an issue, and what kind of consequences smoking and drugs will bring to them.

2007-02-09 00:18:45 補充:
i m the first person to answer :)
參考: myself, studying in the US for 8 years

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