
2007-02-09 7:18 am
1.which shopping centre you want to go,why(時代廣場,因為那裏有很多商店)
2.how will you go there。(去CD shop、clothes shop、食店)
3.what with you do and eat there。(去k.f.c)
( )内是答案

回答 (4)

2007-02-09 6:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
做一篇將來式的文章, 不是所有句子都有 "will"

1. 你只需答: i want to go / I love to go/ I would like to go.. etc
e.g I love to go to Time Square as there are lots of shops.

2. how will you go there。是想問你點去?
i will go there by MTR/bus, on foot..

3.what will you do and eat there?
do: I will visit CD shops,clothes shops/ boutique. (shopping / window shopping)
eat: I will have my (e.g. lunch ) in KFC (or in JAPANESE restaurant)
2007-02-09 7:36 am
Onday,mum asked me:''which shopping centre you want to go ,why?'' ''l will want to Shatin,because there are a lot of shop .'' ''How will yuo go there' '' l will go there by bus and l will go there 's CD shop,clothers shop and food shop , '' '' What with you do and eat there ?'' '' l will go to shopping and eat k f c in there ''

sorry because l don't kwon how to spell 時代廣場

2007-02-08 23:38:34 補充:
*******is shatin, sorry

2007-02-08 23:39:21 補充:
*****is s h a t i n
2007-02-09 7:26 am
1. I will like to go to Times Square, because there are many shops.

2. I will go there by bus/MTR/mini bus.
(這個應該與"去CD shop、clothes shop、食店"等無關,因為問題是問你如何到達,不是去逛什麼商店。)

3. I will have my lunch at KFC.

2007-02-09 7:26 am
i dun know wt u want to answer~
2.how will you go there。(去CD shop、clothes shop、食店) i think it mean how can u get there, isn't it??
After corr it send me a e-mail
[email protected] or [email protected]
參考: myself

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