最佳回答取40分:關於Paul Klee

2007-02-09 7:02 am
我想要一啲關於Paul Klee的資料
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2007-02-09 12:46 pm
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博士比為什麼問 Paul Klee?中英對照 .. 玩我呵 !

畫名~ Autour du poisson (french)
~ Um den Fisch. ( German) (ah, is "on the Fish" !!!!!!)
~ Around the Fish (english)
~ 兩條魚側邊 (by chevalier)

畫 : http://storage.canalblog.com/39/22/160519/5710639_m.jpg

畫資料~ 保羅 Klee(德國人, 1879-1940。出生和在瑞士死亡。)
兩條魚側邊 1926
油畫/, 18 3/8 x 25 1/8(46.7 x 63.8 釐米)
現代的藝術的博物館,紐約。Abby Aldrich 洛克菲勒基金

起源:Stadtmuseum und Gemaldegalerie(或 Staatliche Gemalde Galerie),德累斯頓。1926 年 - 1937年 ~ 從 1937 年的德國國有博物館,被沒收(如「退化的藝術」);被包括在 Entartete Kunst 展覽內,在 Antiken 博物館 中 7 月 19 日,在 Hofgarten,慕尼黑 - 1937 年 11 月 30 日,和其他地點,然後透過納粹的政府賣出。

以 Schloss Niederschonhausen 儲存,柏林(考慮到在國外被賣)。1938 年被Buchholz 美術館( Curt Valentin),紐約收購。1939 年 4 月 13 日被現代的藝術的博物館,紐約,從 Curt Valentin收購.

~ Paul Klee (German, 1879–1940. Born and died in Switzerland.)

Around the Fish. 1926

Oil on canvas, 18 3/8 x 25 1/8" (46.7 x 63.8 cm)
The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Fund

Provenance: Stadtmuseum und Gemäldegalerie (or Staatliche Gemälde Galerie), Dresden. 1926 - 1937

Confiscated (as “degenerate art”) from German state-owned Museum in 1937; included in Entartete Kunst exhibition, in the Antiken-Museum in Hofgarten, Munich, July 19 - November 30, 1937, and other venues, then sold by Nazi government.

Stored at Schloss Niederschönhausen, Berlin (in view of being sold abroad). Fall 1938
Buchholz Gallery (Curt Valentin), New York. 1939
The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Acquired from Curt Valentin, April 13, 1939

Paul Klee的資料: (你自己閱讀 la, 博士!!)



Paul Klee (IPA: /kleː/) (December 18, 1879 to June 29, 1940) was a Swiss painter of German nationality.[a] He was influenced by many different art styles in his work, including expressionism, cubism and surrealism. He and his friend, the Russian painter Wassily Kandinsky, were also famous for teaching at the Bauhaus school of art and architecture... etc etc etc etc...


~ 保羅·克利(1879年12月18日-1940年6月29日)[1],是一個德國國籍的瑞士裔畫家。他曾在慕尼黑美術學校習畫,並制作了許多以黑白為主的版畫和綫畫。後來,成為一位彩色畫的畫家,創作出極為優異的作品,畫風被超現實主義、立體主義和表現主義大大影響。他也曾執教於魏瑪,德索和杜索道夫等地。他對色彩的變化有獨特的鑒賞力,成熟時期的作品更大量采用多種多樣的混合媒材,比如沙子或木屑等,創作出具有特別張力畫作。他和他的朋友,俄國畫家康丁斯基,都是當時包浩斯的名師。... etc etc....
2007-02-09 7:22 am
出生 1879年12月18日 瑞士
國籍 德國/瑞士
領域 繪畫
訓練 Academy of Fine Arts 慕尼黑美術學校
相關活動 expressionism表現主義, cubism立體主義, surrealism超現實主義
代表作 很多知名的作品,包括:Fish Magic魚的魔術、Zitronen,和 Viaducts Break Ranks。

Fish Magic, 1925, 現藏於美國Philadelphia Museum of Arts

Paul Klee is one of the greatest philosophers and theorists of twentieth-century art, particularly in the field of color, as well as one of its greatest fantasists. In paintings such as Fish Magic these two divergent gifts are reconciled, as intellect and imagination join forces. Klee has created a space that is not heavenly, earthly, or aquatic but rather exists elsewhere, in a realm in which all forms of life intermingle. The painting is actually a collage, with a central square of muslin glued over the larger rectangular canvas surface. The sense of magic increases when one sees that a long painted line from the side seems ready to pull the square off to reveal something underneath. The dark palette and fragile muslin support give the picture a sense of silence that reinforces the mystery enveloping the inky atmosphere. Ann Temkin, from Philadelphia Museum of Art: Handbook of the Collections (1995), p. 321.
參考: philamuseum.org

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