
2007-02-09 6:47 am
1) 住什麼地方最平,有網址可以提供嗎??
2) 食是否真的很貴呢??
3) 每日太約要花費多少呢??
4) 月票是怎樣用的??...幾錢?...可以去那幾個地方呢??

回答 (3)

2007-02-09 7:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) 其實你去英國邊度先, 如果係london, 咁會開支大好多, london出平地方貴, 而且酒店殘, 你唔好以為俾20-30punds一晚可以住得好好, 係london 市中心, 好可能得個床位 or 設備差的酒店, 你最好list 埋你budget可以俾幾多錢一晚 or 有咩特別要求先可以俾到advise你, 例如係咪一定要一個人一間房, 獨立厠所浴室, etc..

2) 食就真係好貴, 連買個包都和清水都貴, 一餐六七十蚊HKD閒閒地, 尤其係而家d 英磅咁貴, 如果你對食冇咩要求, 最好帶d cup noodles, 食得幾多得幾多, 慳得就慳

3) 真係好depends你去邊囉, 如果london, 就算唔計住宿, 一日搭地鐵行下公司公園(即係唔駛去d 乜館乜館要入場費), 連一日三餐, 都要二至三百, 因為交通都頗貴, 一程地鐵都3-4 pounds

4) 月票唔清楚, 因為我冇試過去成個月咁耐

2007-02-09 13:31:33 補充:
1) B&B的確平好多, 如果你住得耐既, 可以同佢講價, 叫佢俾discount你, either by email or phone都可以, www.hostelworld.com2) 如果你有成個月時間, 又唔想駛咁多錢, suggest你唔好留london咁耐, 去london附近d town, 消費可以平好多, 如greenwich, oxford, bath, etc.., 不過出左london, 你d 月票可能用唔到

2007-02-09 13:32:33 補充:
3) 如果你有成個月, suggest 你去多幾個國家, 由london去其他歐洲country好方便, Holland (by ship), France (by Eurostar), by 長途巴士or by plane, . 有錢既咪去France, Itlay, Holland, Austria, 但係因為用euro, 消費都唔會平得去邊, 想慳錢就去hungary, czech, greece,etc.

2007-02-09 13:32:49 補充:
4) 我舊年中去過hungary budapest, czech prague同austria vienna, budapest同prague就真係平, 同vienna 開支爭好遠, 個view又靚, 你可以考慮, 不過就要小心d 治安, d旅遊書話多扒手, 不過我自己就覺得security唔錯, d人又nice, 不過係d人d 英文唔算太好, 想問路都要問幾個人先有人可以用簡單英文答到你咁囉, 如果book 地方住, 去返hostel world都揾到
2007-02-09 6:51 pm
我在英國讀書的時候,常常四圍去,住youth hostels. 在英國及歐洲都有,比酒店/B&B便宜得多,最合適學生。多是一個大房,男女分開,地方清潔,舒適,但有些人會很嘈。先要 join "Yoth Hostels Association"(YHA), 。還要買火車票,如不去歐洲,可單買英國的Rail Pass。 去埋歐洲的話,就買可通行歐洲(包括英國)的Rail Pass.

你可以去問問學聯旅遊,那裏可代辦YHA + Rail Pass. [TST 星光行533 電話27378317]
先看看這個網頁,在“網上預定”看有沒有你想去的地方的hostel. 還有價錢給你參考:
2007-02-09 7:36 am
1) You can get a room at Bed and Breakfast (B&B) which is usually around GBP25~35... And if you are staying for the whole month, you can usually get a discount price... But this would means you will have to book by phone... And of course if you book for rooms with share bathroom, then it would be cheaper than ensuite rooms...
2) B&B will usually provide breakfast which is a reasonable size... Beside that, for lunch and dinner... If you have Subway sanwiches (similar to Super Sandwiches in Hong Kong cost you aound GBP3 for a meal and a McDonalds is around GBP4)... So let say around GBP8 maximum for 2 meals a day... But if the breakfast could last you longer, then just have a late lunch and buy a few bits at Supermarkets, it would just be aound GBP5...
3) Well... If you are in London, then you can get a monthly ticket which would cost you around GBP90 for central London... That would break down to aound GBP3 per day... Plus GBP5~8 for a day of meal... Excluding all shopping and things else, it could be as low as GBP8~11 per day...
4) For London Underground... You will require to get a Oyster Card (just like Hong Kong Octopus Card)... And tell them that you want to get a monthly pass as well... The monthly ticket will then be inserted in your Oyster Card (and when you get into London Underground/Buses, you can travel as many time as you wish for that month providing that you are within the zone you paid for)...
Previously, I have tried this B&B before http://www.victoriastationhotel.co.uk/ and they are located in central London (Victoria area)... So it is a pretty safe area and there are plenty of shops and supermarket in the area...
And from http://www.tfl.gov.uk/tfl/fares-tickets/2007/season/travelcard-adult.asp you will find the fare for London Transport weekly/monthly tickets and also you can buy your Oyster Card with the monthly ticket inserted in it online s well from https://sales.oystercard.com/oyster/lul/guestProductConfig.do?method=display
If you have any more problems, dont be hesitated to ask them...
參考: Live in London... And in UK for 8yrs...

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