抽匯源. 如果份表係交比中銀, 咁我係咪要有中銀既investment account?

2007-02-09 5:32 am
抽匯源. 如果份表係交比中銀, 咁我係咪要有中銀既investment account?

回答 (2)

2007-02-10 9:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
緊係唔係啦, 只係上市隻股(匯源)比中銀代理交表, 唔駛一定要有中銀a/c, 因為當抽中時佢會寄張股票比你, 到時你想入去邊間銀行都可以, 證券行都得. 明唔明白呢.

有d係匯豐交, 有d係恒生交, 有d係交通銀行交, 有d係工商銀行交, 如你咁諗咪要有晒咁多銀行a/c囉? 冇可能啦.
2007-02-09 6:02 am
no really if u apply with "white form", since BOCHK is one of the bank to provide collection services for this ipo.

If u apply via BOCHK (yellow form), u must open an investment a/c from there because if u got the ipo shares, they will store the shares in your investment a/c, so that u can sell it immediately. Therefore, u must have an investment a/c to do investment transaction.
參考: i am BOCHK Staff

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