長壽的好處與壞處??? (英文)

2007-02-09 5:17 am

1. 請用英文回答
2. 不太著眼於社會, 更著眼於對個人
3. 對於自己的points, 有一個overall評估,
4. 為長壽是好是壞作個結論或抒發個人感受

回答 (1)

2007-02-09 5:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. One can enjoy life longer and have more time to do what he/she wants.
2. One can have more time to give advises to their offsprings.
3. One can change their life pattern according to a longer life span
4. No need to buy life insurance
5. One can more time to discover different knowledge.
6. One can become a live witness of history.
7. One can pass their knowledge to more people

1. One may be lonely.
2. One will be upset if people surrounding them gradually die.
3. One may be suffer from many diseases.
4. One may be a burden to his/her children.
5. One may not be able to have enough money to support his/her basic expense.
6. One's retire year have to be prolonged.
7. Not much insurance scheme can help.

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