
2007-02-09 5:11 am
有個題目要請教,個題目係Your favourite types of holiday

回答 (3)

2007-02-09 4:53 pm
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types of holiday?係乜嘢遊行方法咁解喎

city break, go to places such as Tokyo. where you can shop, dinne and wine easily. short break to recharge.

beach holiday, types for people loves outdoor activities, sun, sand and sea...young and fun

cruise, people go round the world by cruise ship. long relaxing holiday, great for older people

bag packing, usually young people want to see the world on a budget. once in a life time, and you can meet many new friends


2007-02-09 08:56:34 補充:
如問 your favourite holiday, 咁就係easter, x'mas 之類
參考: d外國人好鍾意講遊行家啦
2007-02-09 7:56 am
Types of holiday:

1. Sunday - Holy day designed by God
2. Religious holidays - to celebrate Jesus Christ
a. Christmas
b. Easter
3. National Memorial holiday
4. Traditional Memorial holiday
2007-02-09 5:38 am
There are few types of holidays you can write but since Chinese New Year is coming, why don't you write about Chinese New Year Holiday?
Who celebrate this holiday?
What do people doing during these days? e.g reunion dinner, red packets, lion dance, fireworks display, lots of things you can write.
Hope this will help.

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