how do we write a good essay?

2007-02-09 3:04 am
how do we write a good essay?
please be more detailed!!! 20 marks will be given

回答 (2)

2007-02-09 6:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you want to write outstanding essays, you should remember the following rules:

1.For most exams in HK(including HKCEE and HKALE), the markers will first look at the contents of your essay, as to whether it is properly replied to the question. Many of the candidates cannot reply to the question asked in exam or composition. So, you should first think about the content which is properly the one the markers or teachers intend the students to answer.

2.The paragraphing should be clear and natural. Many students just write many points but write in one paragraph only. So, you should remember to write one vital point in one paragraph. And you should use useful linking words or phrases when linking each paragraph (e.g. For one thing,...; Secondly,...; However,...). Or you can even use contrasting sentences in introducing other paragraphs (e.g. pros and cons of introducing education vochers in HK: after explaining the pros of the vochers, you can use contrasting sentences in introducing prargraphes explaining the cons:' Though there are many advantages of introducing the vochers, there may be side effects in society that many may be overlooked'....)

3. Use mature grammar in writing your essay. Look at the examples below:
i) Professor Cheung has produced famous economic articles such as 'The Myth of Social Cost','The Feeble of the Bee'.
ii)Professor Cheung has produced such famous economic articles as 'The Myth of Social Cost'...

4. Be aware of the basic grammar of your essays, so that the markers will not deduct the marks that you should get!
2007-02-09 4:08 am
作文時, 要注意的事項.....
(1) Tenses (s, es, ed, ing, en, etc)

(2) pls. (s, es, thief......thieves, etc)

(3) Grammer

(4) Capital letters or letters

(5) vocabulary

(6) the wrong spellings ( good......god, etc)

(7) the words numbers do not go over the regulations words numbers too many, if go over too many, the marks will be taking away ( follow the instruction properly )

(8) remember to proofread the composition at the end
Then, the marks of your composition will be more gratefull if you have done all above ....

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