
2007-02-09 2:57 am


Charlotte Bronte's most popular novel, published in 1847, tells the story of Jane Eyre, a penniless and unattractive orphan, who becomes a governess at Thornfield Hall and falls in lave with Edward Rochester, the guardian of her ward. But she soon discovers that he is hiding a terrible secret...

回答 (2)

2007-02-18 8:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
David lost his father since he was young. He was abused by his step-father after his
mother had been married again. Her sudden death made him become independable.
And, his step-father evenforced him to work in the factory. His liviing turned to be stable
when he came to stay with his aunt.

這是夏綠蒂邦特(Charlotte Bront )的最受歡迎的小說。它在1847年出版,述說簡愛(Jane
Eyre)的故事。她是個窮苦而毫不吸引的孤兒,後來成為荊田大宅(Thornhill Hall)的女家庭

2007-02-18 18:58:17 補充:

2007-02-18 18:59:54 補充:
evenforced----改為 even forced
2007-02-09 3:19 am
David lost the father since childhood, after the mother second marriage, also suffered the stepfather to maltreat The mother sudden dies makes him suddenly,no one can take care of him, is forced by the stepfather the factory works as the child laborer, afterwards hired oneself aunt, the life only then slightly for the stability

夏洛特的暢銷小說, 1847 年被出版, 講故事珍妮, 一個身無分文和不吸引人的孤兒, 成為家庭女教師在Thornfield 霍爾和跌倒在lave 與愛德華・羅切斯特, 她的病區的監護人。但她很快發現, 他掩藏一個可怕的秘密...

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