Grammar Mistakes

2007-02-09 2:36 am
關於Book presentation既...以下既問題唔知錯咩...交法高手幫幫忙...
1. This book called"Classic Detective Stories".
2.Such as find some important items for searching the case to find the murderer more faster and accurate.
3.But the paragraphs are too long and students maybe not interest in reading these kind of book.


回答 (3)

2007-02-09 2:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
over all 你錯的都係詞性上出現了問題。
1. This book is called"Classic Detective Stories".
2.Such as find some important items for searching the case to find the murderer fastly and accurate.
3.But the paragraphs are too long and students may not be interested in reading these kind of book.
第1) called 這時係被動詞,即應用作is called.
第2) 這句沒有用上比較,不應直轉中文,用fastly會好些。
第3) maybe not轉用may not be會好上,因be為動詞,句子中冇左動詞唔得。而interested in 應如時用,這情況唔可以用interest為動詞。

2007-02-08 18:49:33 補充:
上者第2條用faster亦可。用more的時候,形容詞要是兩音或以上,如: more beautifulmore handsome

2007-02-08 18:50:39 補充:

2007-02-08 20:53:42 補充:
因為這句意思是d人無興趣睇本書,我諗除左interested in 外,我諗無乜邊個字可代替。你這句用我提議的便可: But the paragraphs are too long and students may not be interested in reading these kind of book.

2007-02-09 16:17:00 補充:
很抱歉,有少少野要改fast 的 adberb 其實不用加 ly你直寫 fast 便可。
2007-02-16 2:30 am
... reading these kindS of book(S).
第一個s是必須的, 第二個可有可無
2007-02-09 2:39 am called
3.may not be interest

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