中文 change to eng

2007-02-09 1:59 am

你write 咩ar


good!the second

回答 (2)

2007-02-09 2:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
These explorers with legendary experience depend on their outstanding willpower, know this gate of the earth where we lived after opening people, has opened the main road for the development of the human civilization. From the explorers, we not only can obtain many relevant geographical knowledge of exploration, but we can also learn how to strengthen calmly, be brave to sacrifice and see clearly the dogged spirit that the goal persisted.

希望幫到你啦! =)
參考: 自己+字典
2007-02-09 2:13 am
there is tales of marvelsto come throughan explorer to lean against theyextraordinaire
stamina,open their to know us living earthly of the door ,as human civilized to develop
open the street。since an explorer body,we can taken any about geography knowledge,then can be study patience,to sacrifice oneself of life,.to see clearly
a target aslo to stick it out dogged spirit

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