移民加拿大 - 如何開始
本人今年 37 歲, 學歷碩士, 英語流利, 現在有一間小小的貿易公司, 生意正慢慢上軌道
本人心願一直是移民加拿大, 但並無親人在彼方.
也曾問律師意見, 獨立移民的話, 應該夠分數 (不過, 亦視乎他們是否需要你在某行業),
想請問各位, 是否應以生意膁取足夠金錢才做企業移民, 還是獨立移民.
抑或可以一邊做, 一邊在溫哥華設立辦事處; 作為移民橋樑.
回答 (2)
I am a Canada imigrant. I think, the issue you have to think about is whether you can stay in Canada at least 183 days every year when your application is approved.
In order to become a Canadian citizen, you have to stay >183days in Canada every year before you obtain the citizenship. If you have to return to HK for your business (i.e, 一邊在溫哥華設立辦事處; 作為移民橋樑.), then you will be questioned by the customs why you don't spend enough time in Canada while you want to become a Canadian. They can cancel your immigration status if they want to given you haven't satisfied the requirements.
As you mentioned, your business is well on track so I believe either 獨立移民 or 企業移民 is not a problem for you. The main question is what you NEED to do after they approve your application.
For your reference, my family immigrated to Canada. I am now a Canadian citizen but my dad lost his because he didn't stay enough time in Canada.
參考: My experience
收錄日期: 2021-04-23 20:23:31
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