
2007-02-08 6:08 pm
"由於保安理由,由即日起大門密碼將改為XXXX,敬請留意。" 請不要用Dr. eye.

回答 (6)

2007-02-08 7:05 pm
"Due to security reasons, the password will be changed from now onwards door XXXX, please pay attention. "Please do not use Dr. Eye.
參考: me
2007-02-08 6:43 pm
Based on public security, the entrance password have been changed to 9527, please remind that.
2007-02-08 6:32 pm
Due to the security reason, the password of the main entrance will be adjusted to xxxxxx effective from today onwards. Please kindly be reminded that the security system of Dr. Eye is no longer working.

Your sincere attention in this matter is highly appreciated.
2007-02-08 6:26 pm
According to the security reason, the secret code of entrance will be change to XXXX from this day, please your attention.
2007-02-08 6:24 pm
With effective from today, the code number of the main entrance will be changed to xxxxxx for the security reason. Please note the Dr. Eye IS NOT APPLICABLE" anymore.

Thank you for your attention.
2007-02-08 6:16 pm
For security reason, the password of the main door will be changed to XXXX today.

2007-02-08 10:19:06 補充:
樓上位朋友, change要加ed呀...是passive voice.

2007-02-08 10:23:57 補充:
我想大門密碼已經改了吧...我改用現在完成式代替之前的將來式。ATTENTION PLEASEFor security reason, the password of the man door have already been changed to XXXX.

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