情人節 should i ask the girl i like to go out with me.

2007-02-08 3:53 pm
I like a girl in my school i like her so much,but i just never show it form my emotion or anything.Besides 情人節 is coming up should i give her something than ask her out.We're like close friends right now and i dun want to miss this good chance.Help me!!

回答 (3)

2007-02-08 5:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
This is Weileen Tong, Well, I think you really should go ahead and of course, Go try. No matter how the results will come out, go and try and be brave at least. For me, till I finally woke up truly this time, realizing that my only true lover proposed to me, it's I;m afraid rather late. He did it in a very special, amazing and stunning way. It was more than perfect. But I didn't get it before. I regret. I was slow in response, I regret so much. It's all my fault, I was rather stupid not to know. I truly wish and pray and hope for one more day and night with him, even just one day and night, it'll be enough. But I'm afraid it is too late. Don't turn into me and regret later on. It will hurt so much. listen and just go ahead and just do it.
Finally, I know and I understand totally that he proposed.
I will never give up Willie Chu. I love him forever and ever. Too bad and very sorry that I found out and understood his message too late.
參考: Quoted by Weileen Tong
2007-02-08 4:07 pm
If you can call her that day, and she promise to go with you, you can go out with her that day. But if she can't, you won't.
2007-02-08 4:06 pm
Don't be shy to ask her, may be you can buy a small present for her and give the feeling to her that you like her!

I hope I have a boyfriend too.

Good Luck and enjoy your 情人節 .

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