Eng0--Tranlate 1 sentence...again

2007-02-08 3:01 pm
Every time they leave the light on,one more light bulb goes

translate+is -goes- mean -open-/-light-??

回答 (4)

2007-02-08 4:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Every time they leave the light on,one more light bulb goes
每次他們任由電燈開著(一段時間), 就多一個燈泡燒丟了。

“Something goes” 是比較口語化. It means “something goes bad” or "something perishes."
2007-02-08 5:12 pm
每次他們不關燈, 燈泡就被燒壞.
參考: myself
2007-02-08 4:29 pm
每次她們沒有關掉已開的燈, 就會多一盞燈泡壞了.
2007-02-08 3:54 pm
在他們離開光時候, 一個電燈泡是

I think is mean gone.

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