
2007-02-08 2:38 pm
1.lower the activation enegy
2.provide an alternative pathway with lower activation energy?

回答 (4)

2007-02-08 11:27 pm
The catalyst is a substance which you added in the reaction mixture to provide an alternative pathway with a lower activtion energy to achieve the reaction. In the end of the reaction, the nature of the catalyst will not be changed.

In fact, the catalyst can lower the activation energy by altering the reaction path. It cannot simply lower the original activation energy without changing the reaction path.
2007-02-08 8:23 pm
catalyst 係影響reaction rate既野就叫catalyst
原理係 provide an alternative pathway for the reaction taking place~
positive catalyst is a catalyst that lower the activation energy,then more molecules can overcome the activation energy and have reaction.thus increase the reaction rate.
negative catalyst就相反
參考: 自己
2007-02-08 4:00 pm
positive catalyst -> provide an alternative way with lower act. E
negative catalyst -> high act E..

positive catalyst 加左..reaction咪快d囉..
negative catalyst 加左reaction 就會變慢..

唔係全部都係with lower activation energy 架 :)
參考: 我讀chem
2007-02-08 2:50 pm
catalyst ...

1. lowers the activation enegy

required for the chemical reaction to take place, without being consumed, and can potentially be recovered after the reaction took place.
參考: my chem book

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