
2007-02-08 10:30 am

但我又冇時間去London, 咁我可唔可以只要d 飛行哩數, 而唔要張機票?

回答 (5)

2007-02-08 11:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
你的資料不太足夠, 令問題不太清楚.. ! 讓我在下面估下你的發問啦...

1. 你意思是用積分換了一張單程去London機票, 但現在機票又用不著, 故想拿張機票去換回飛行哩數?

答: 那要視乎你是join什么公司儲分的 (eg. Air miles / Lufthansa... etc), 因為每間不同公司, 都有他們不同的制度.. ! 例如Air miles公司, 用積分換取了機票後, 機票有效期一年, 於一年內可隨時改變出發及回程日期 (只要check到有位便可以), 但當出了機票, 就算一年內出不出發, 哩數亦不能退回的.. ! 但我不知你到底是那間公司, 所以建議你打電話去問清楚較好..


2. 你意思是你的積分足夠換取一張單程去London的機票, 但你沒空, 所以只想把分數儲起, 而不換取London單程機票?

答: 只要你的哩數到期日未到 (即expiry date), 那你的哩數當然是可以儲起來而不換London機票的! 但間間公司都有不同的制度.. (例如: 有些公司只要你keep住有買他們的機票, 飛行哩數的到期日是可以順延的 (eg. 今年到期, 可變成出年或後年才到期.. etc). 可是某些公司 (eg. Air miles) 就只會把每個哩數儲兩年.. 但你可用錢買又或者給扣足夠的積分, 去換取把哩數延期.. (eg. 原本今年到期, 換成出年或明年到期.. etc) 不過真係好視乎你join的公司到底是什么制度..

因為你沒說明你到底是什么公司儲分, 所以我都不知怎告知你現在的情況.. 不過在online不難找到他們的資料和電話, 最簡單的方法就是打電話去問清楚.. 只要你告知他們你的會員號碼, 他們就可因應你的資料, 告知你的情況和解決你的一切的疑問了..


2007-02-08 03:53:29 補充:
Air miles 電話號碼 : 2747-3838

2007-02-10 19:17:30 補充:
你是買了張機票不出發而只想儲分?! 答案是不能的.. 你要坐過飛機才可以把哩數儲下. 我建議你別浪費了你張機票, 你可以打電話到你機票的航空公司問下, 他們應該有方法可以讓你把機票改期 (eg. 推遲一年)才出發 (eg. 付service charge), 但這樣總好過你把機票和哩數都一併浪費掉吧!
參考: 我的見解..
2007-02-12 7:07 pm
如果唔係,追回漏發的里數就唔駛要張 BOARDING PASS 正本,證明你真係搭過班機啦!

2007-02-15 10:13:11 補充:
正路check-in 左唔上機航空公司都會有紀錄查到你無上飛機,所以都係唔會有mileage攞得番。
2007-02-08 4:36 pm
I don't know which airline you fly. If you want to credit in Asiamiles, the terms and condition said "Members must travel on the flight using the ticket purchased in order to receive mileage credits. Credits will not be awarded for unused or refunded tickets." So you must fly to get the miles. Also you must know your ticket is eligable to earn miles or not because some cheap fare ticket has no miles. Detail you can refer to the reference link
2007-02-08 1:01 pm
Right... I suppose you means that you have bought a ticket but yet to be flown... However, you dont have to time to compete the journey and you wish to get the mileage only...
The answer is NO... No matter which airlines mileage you are collecting, you cannot collect mileage that has not yet been flown... So even if you hold a ticket, but you can never collect the mileage of those flights until you have actually flow... To collect mileage, it always require you to physically take the flight...
So in your case, I would suggest you to contact the airlines and see if they can do a refund for you... But there are different policy on cancelling tickets depending on the sub-class you have booked the ticket on... And that you will have to contact the relavent airlines... But there is no use of the ticket if you are not going to fly it and it wont allow you to just let the ticket expire then to claim mileage...
參考: Experience...
2007-02-08 10:46 am
可以,但一般都有到期日。 到期之前,除左可以換倫敦機票之外,亦可以換 50,000 哩數以下,其他地方既機票。

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