
2007-02-08 8:47 am

回答 (4)

2007-02-08 8:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
你意思係你驚入境果陣, d人會問你好多野? 其實只要你比佢睇到你有來回機票, 張機票係有expiry date, 同埋你有野証明晌香港有工作/學業既話.. 應該唔會好難既....
最緊要係比個海關知道你黎加拿大既目的.. 同埋會逗留幾耐囉..

2007-02-08 01:27:38 補充:
Do You Want to Visit Canada?Every year more than 35 million people visit Canada. Canada welcomes these visitors as tourists, students or temporary workers. As a visitor, you will enjoy the many opportunities Canada has to offer.

2007-02-08 01:29:00 補充:
You must be healthy. You might need a doctor’s examination; must respect Canadian laws; will need a valid passport, proof of who you are or other travel documents; will need a Temporary Resident Visa if you are from one of these countries; and may need a letter of invitation.

2007-02-08 01:29:39 補充:
Canada does not pay for hospital or medical services for visitors. Make sure you have health insurance to pay your medical costs before you leave for Canada.You may not be permitted to enter Canada if you have a criminal conviction, including a conviction for driving while impaired.

2007-02-08 01:30:23 補充:
Once you arrive: an officer will ask you a few short questions when you arrive. To make this go quickly, keep your passport with you and not in your luggage. The officer will stamp your passport or advise you how long you may stay in Canada.

2007-02-08 01:30:49 補充:
After you arrive, you may want to change the conditions of your visit. This is possible in special cases. You must do this before your status as a temporary resident expires. Apply to extend your stay or visit at least 30 days before your visa expires.
參考: 多倫多人
2007-02-08 11:47 am

我喺27/1/07多倫多過移民局時都有俾埋回程機票佢睇,第一條問題問我係返屋企定係遊客(coming home or visitor?)我答係visitor。咁個移民官跟住問我嚟做セ嘢,嚟幾多日,跟住真係問我帶咗幾多錢,我話帶咗CAD800現金和信用咭,佢就問我現金+信用咭共有幾多錢,我再答佢帶咗800元+3張信用咭,佢先滿意,佢問我係一個人嚟定同朋友,我話同2個朋友,咁佢就俾我入境,我兩個朋友跟住都唔駛問嘢(佢地各自帶咗CAD500同CAD1,200)。



2007-02-08 03:53:53 補充:
參考: 自己
2007-02-08 10:02 am
加拿大歡迎任何人士到訪,只要有來回機票,到步地址(最好有),沒帶illegal 物品如生果,植物,肉類,武器等。現金如帶超過加紙10,000.00 ,就要報關。
2007-02-08 8:57 am
-__-|| it wont be,,
u enter Toronto via ? what kind of permit?
like wokring permit? study permit?
-__- ur Question make me so confused!!!!

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