HELP ME!!! What topic should I choose for the Speech?

2007-02-08 7:46 am
HELP ME!!! What topic should I choose for the Speech? I will have it on Sunday!!!!!! And I have to talk about something for 3 mins, 1 min for answering questions! HELP ME!!!!! Do you guys have any ideas about my topic???

回答 (2)

2007-02-08 8:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
Depends on your expertise, i would suggest common topic such as

1) 科學/科技 Technology. If science is your expertise, try research on some new technology. Nowadays, new technology should be abundance.
Example topic:
Wireless Network

2) 新聞政治 News and politics. Current events are usually accepted speech topics.
Example Topic:
我自己唔係好留意新聞, 不過你打開報紙或上網睇, 一定會有岩心水

3) 社會問題 . 機本上, 任何城市論壇講緊/講過既野都可以攞黎講.
Here is a list of past topics:

4) 哲學 Philosophy.
其實細心留意下你而家做緊既依個site: Yahoo! 知識, 你都會搵到好多好題材.
Here is a link to Yahoo! 知識> 藝術人文 > 哲學:
2007-02-08 7:57 am
So who will be the audience? What's the purpose of the speech? And what sorts of speech are you going to have? It's difficult to suggest if these answers are unknown...

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